A modified molecularly imprinted polymer-carbon paste electrode (CPE) with rGO-Fe3O4-ZnO nanocomposite was constructed and used for the determination of Bisphenol A (BPA) using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique. The rGO-Fe3O4-ZnOMIP/CPE shows a sharp and well-defined peak for the oxidation of BPA at 648 mV in Britton-Robinson universal buffer solution pH = 6.5. The presented electrode shows a dynamic range of 0.008-15 and 15-95 μM with a low detection limit of 0.004 μM. The repeatability, reproducibility, and stability of rGO-Fe3O4-ZnOMIP/CPE were checked and the obtained data confirm the excellent properties of the sensor. The selectivity of the presented method was investigated and the data show that Hydroquinone, Tert-butyl hydroquinone, Catechol and Bisphenol S and common ions had no disturbance on the detection of BPA and the changing in peak current was below 5%. Finally, rGO-Fe3O4-ZnOMIP/CPE was successfully applied for the determination of BPA tap water, food storage container and cured vinyl ester resin samples with satisfactory results.
Construction of Electrochemical Sensor Modified with Molecularly Imprinted Polymer and rGO-Fe3O4-ZnO Nanocomposite for Determination of Bisphenol A in Polymers and Water Samples
BPA imprinted monolithic pre-column to online solid-phase extraction for HPLC. They determined successfully phenolic compounds in river water [7]. Haginaka et al. develop a new method by the combination of isotope imprinting and LC-mass spectrometry for the determination of BPA and its halogenated derivatives in river water [8]. Park et al. extract BPA directly and determine it by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method [9].
Spectrophotometric Method
Xu et al. applied a sensitive spectrophotometric method using a diazotization-coupling reaction to the measurement of BPA. The parameters which can affect the signal such as reagent concentration and pH were optimized. The obtained data were compared with HPLC, and the presented method was applied to the determination of BPA in real samples include milk and water bottle samples [10]. Sun et al. present a new method base on fluorescence spectrophotometry to direct measurement of BPA in aqueous solution and pH = 8 at λex = 266 and λem = 304 nm [11]. Kum et al. developed a rapid spectrophotometric detection method for BPA in environments base on the blue color formation of the BPA/ferric chloride/ferrocyanide complex [12].
Although chromatographic methods are commonly used for the determination of some molecules like BPA, some features such as time-consuming analysis, costly instrumentations, complex sample pretreatment process and dependence on the operator for spiking of the sample, led to developing new methods for measuring this molecule [13]. In recent decades, sensor-based methods have been developed for the determination of molecules and ions. Among these methods, the electrochemical sensors have better advantages such as low-cost instruments, easy operation, reliable data, high accuracy, fast response, simple real sample pretreatment [14-17]. So, in this research, the new electrochemical sensor was designed for the determination of the analyte.
Nonspecific-binding, low selectivity and poor regeneration are the problems of direct measurement electrochemical methods [18]. There are some methods and materials to overcome these disadvantages. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are one of the best artificial materials for preparing chemical sensors methods in order
to increase the selectivity and specific-binding [19]. The high physical/chemical and mechanical stability such as high pressure, high temperature, stability versus acid/base or organic solvents, low-cost preparation, supreme binding affinity, and economic production are the specific properties of MIPs [19,20]. The electrochemical sensor base on MIPs can determine a wide variety of materials include food additives, metals ions, microbial cells, and drugs [21-26].
Nowadays, some nanomaterials such as carbon base
NPs (e.g. graphene) and metal oxide NPs (e.g. ZnO and Fe3O4) are used as a catalyst for improving the sensor performance [27,28]. ZnO NPs as an environmentally friendly semiconductor (band-gap ~ 3.37 eV) has been applied in electrochemical devices because of their non- toxicity, proper sensing behavior, physical and chemical stability [29]. Fe3O4 NPs as a superparamagnetic material, due to biocompatibility, low toxicity, catalytic activity, large surface areas, and simple preparation commonly used in different industries and especially in sensing applications in order to provide a maximum signal [30]. Graphene nanosheet (Gr) as a zero band-gap semiconductor has unique properties include large surface area, and high electrical conductivity because of abundant electrochemically desirable edge carbons per mass of Gr which comfort electron transfer between analytes and the surface of the sensor by a low over-potential [31]. So, they are good candidates for use in electrochemistry. In recent years, metal oxide loading or doping on Gr was used to promote the catalytic property of NPs due to the synergetic effect between NPs into nanocomposites [32].
These unique properties have opened a new window of possibilities for developing new analytical methods. In this way, an innovative way to synthesize novel MIPs is the incorporation of nanoparticles into their structure. The combination of these two materials (polymer and nanoparticles/nanocomposites) gives rise to a hybrid material with potential and new properties. In general, MIPs are classified into two types according to whether they are obtained as a single continuous and porous piece (molecularly-imprinted monoliths, MIMs) or as individual nano/microparticles (MIP micro/nanoparticles). Some nanoparticles, such as metal oxide, carbon nanoparticles, or molecular sieves, can be acted as main monomers or scaffolds of the monolithic structure. In contrast, in the
synthesis of MIP nanoparticles, the role of nanoparticles, generally, is to act as the core or support of the imprinted polymer film. On the other hand, nanoparticles can increase the surface of the sensor and also the electrochemical site of reaction, so the use of nanoparticles can improve the signal- to-noise ratio, the performance of the sensor, and sensitivity and detection limit of the presented electrode to the determination of BPA.
In this study, the use of the rGO-Fe3O4-ZnO@MIP as a
sensing layer, which was mixed with the carbon paste matrix for the voltammetric determination of BPA in spiked and real samples is described. Good conductivity and selectivity of the proposed sensor on BPA were well observed which lead to obtaining a wide linear range (LR) with a low detection limit (DL).
BPA, methacrylic acid, GO, ferrous chloride tetrahydrate, ferric chloride hexahydrate, sodium hydroxide, oleic acid, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, azobisisobutyronitrile, zinc acetate dihydrate, graphite, paraffin oil, sodium borohydride, were provided from Sigma-Aldrich and Merck Company (Darmstadt, Germany). All the solutions and materials used were of analytical grade. Deionized distilled water (DDW) was used for the preparation of solutions. The Britton- Robinson buffer solution (B-R) applied to adjust the pH value and as a supporting electrolyte.
Electrochemical experiments were performed at ambient temperature (about 25 °C) using a Behpajoh potentiostat/galvanostat system (model BHP-2065, Iran). The electrochemical cell was congregated with a conventional three-electrode system by an Ag/AgCl (Azar electrode, Iran), platinum wire and unmodified/modified carbon paste electrodes (CPE) as the reference electrode, auxiliary electrode and working electrodes, respectively. The pH value measurements were done by a Metrohm pH meter (model 713, Herisau, Switzerland). The structure and morphology of the synthesized nanomaterials were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) SEM-
EDX, Philips, XL30 (Netherland), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) 38066 Riva, d/G. Via M. Misone, 11/D (TN) Italy and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Perkin Elmer, spectrum 100 (USA).
Preparation of the Materials
Fe3O4 NPs. The coprecipitation method was used for the synthesis of Fe3O4NPs. In the first step, 0.01 and
0.02 mol ferrous chloride tetrahydrate and ferric chloride
hexahydrate, respectively, were added to 100 ml DDW in a
250 ml three-necked flask. The N2 was purged while the solution was stirred continuously, and the temperature was increased to 80 °C. In the next step, sodium hydroxide solution (40 ml, 2 M) was added to the heated solution and mixed for 1 h. The synthesized magnetic precipitates were collected by the external magnetic field when the solution temperature reached about 25 °C. Finally, the obtained Fe3O4 NPs were washed by DDW five times and dried at
70 °C in the oven.
ZnO NPs. In order to synthesis ZnO NPs, 1 g zinc acetate dihydrate was added to 250 ml three-necked flask containing 100 ml ethanol solution. The mixture was stirred for 20 min then 0.25 M of sodium hydroxide in ethanol was added slowly until the pH reached 8.0. The mixture was stirred for 4 h then filtered and washed by DDW five times and dried at 70 °C in the oven.
Reduced graphene oxide (rGO). The rGO was
synthesis by the addition of sodium borohydride as a chemical reduction reagent to purchased GO. Firstly,
150 mg purchased GO was dispersed into 150 ml DDW and sonicated for 20 min after that 2 ml sodium borohydride was added to the mixture and the temperature increased to
100 °C and kept for 10 h. The obtained rGO was centrifuged, washed by DDW five times and dried at 80 °C in the oven.
rGO-Fe3O4 nanocomposite. For this goal, 0.1 g
synthesized rGO was added to 50 ml of DDW:ethanol (1:1 V/V) and sonicated for 25 min to obtain the uniform suspension. After that 0.4 g Fe3O4 NPs was added to the suspension and mixed for 1 h. The temperature of the solution was increased to 105 °C and kept for 24 h in order to do a hydrothermal reaction. The obtained